Assessing agroforestry options for sustainable land use in Germany

Image credit: Unsplash


Introducing trees to faming landscapes represents a risky decision with large uncertainties. In this project we worked with Woodify, a startup that reforests damaged woodlands and sells the CO2 certificates. Woodify offers local carbon offsets through contracts with German forest owners. They bought a plot of land for reforestation in the Eifel region of Germany but could not use it for forest, as the land use plan did not allow it. However, the land use plan would allow for an agroforestry system where agricultural production is combined with trees. We applied holistic modeling processes to support Woodify in determining if such an investment would be economically viable.

Jan 1, 2022 12:00 AM
Wowchemy HQ
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Dr. Cory Whitney
Dr. Cory Whitney

My research interests include decision analysis, human ecology, ethnobotany and agrobiodiversity.